About Us

The Page Speaker Story

When it comes to creating or running websites, there are many factors to consider.

Performance. SEO. Browser Compatibility. Compliance with privacy laws. Compliance with payment laws. Accessibility. The list goes on and on...

But many of these things can be automated our outsourced with fairly little friction - especially with modern CMS platforms and website builders.

However, from small web development teams (including us!) to massive internet conglomorates, accessibility has always been the elephant in the room.

Tiptoeing around murky compliance laws that keep changing, trying to ensure screen reader compatibility, and worrying about an out-of-the-blue accessibility lawsuit reflect just a sample of what we had to deal with.

Which is why we thought, "Hey, what if we could just automate this whole compliance process? What if there was a simple tool we could plug in to our websites that was compatible across all browsers and devices, and just... worked?"

We searched the market, and there were a few solutions available. But many were very expensive. Some did not allow multiple websites under the same license. Others did not have all the features we were looking for. Several of them were also a major drag on our website's load speed.

Above all, many of these other solutions aren't even accessible in the first place.

What we needed was something that wouldn't get in the way of our users, and especially wouldn't make our websites even less accessible than they were in the first place.

So we made Page Speaker!

Well, we're still making it - it's a perpetual process, because these standards and complicance regulations are changing all the time, and there's so many to keep up with.

But we accomplished what we set out to do, and we finally have a lightweight, modular, and fully-featured web accessibility automator that just works!

Thank you for taking the time to read our story.
We hope you enjoy Page Speaker!